Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fuel your fire !!! Inspirations in the day's cup !!! # 1

This first inspiration is a toast to 2 buddies of mine, who (directly/indirectly) inspired me to blog. Enjoy this toast da...

Too Short, Can't Sing

The adolescent girl from Tennessee is standing on the stage of a drama summer camp in upstate New York. It's a beautiful day. But the girl doesn't feel beautiful. She's not the leggy, glamorous Hollywood type. In fact, she describes herself as dorky.

Since she was six years old, Reese Witherspoon has wanted to be a country singer. And Dolly Parton is her idol. But this flat-chested wisp of a girl is no Dolly Parton.

Nevertheless, all of this summer she's been acting, dancing and singing -- giving it her best.
Despite three years of
lessons, at the end of camp her coaches tell her to forget about singing. They suggest she think about another career. If Reese did have talent; it was hiding under her skinny, mousy frame and her Coke-bottle glasses.

Still, she takes their words to heart. After all, why shouldn't she believe the professionals?

But back at home in
Nashville, her mother, a pediatric nurse -- a funny, happy, upbeat person -- wouldn't let her mope. Her father, a physician, encouraged her to achieve in school. So she worked hard at everything and was accepted at Stanford University.

And at age 19, she got a part in a low-budget movie called Freeway. That led to a substantial role in the movie Pleasantville. But her big break came with Legally Blonde.

Well, she decided, if you can't sing and you aren't glamorous, "play to your strengths. If you're going to make it in this business, it's not going to be on sexy -- that's not who you are. Better focus on what you're good at. Celebrate yourself." And then came the offer that took her back to her
Nashville roots -- playing the wife of tormented country star Johnny Cash. A singing role.

All of a sudden the old fears were back. She was so nervous on the set, a reporter wrote, she "kept a sick bucket" nearby and admitted she "would go backstage after a singing scene and shake." But she didn't give up on the movie or herself.

The humor and drive she learned at home overcame the self-doubt learned on that summer stage. She spent six months taking singing lessons again. She learned to play the Autoharp. And the hard work built up her confidence.

Last March, Reese Witherspoon walked up on another stage, the Kodak Theatre in
Hollywood, and accepted the Oscar as Best Actress for her heartbreaking, heartwarming singing role as June Carter Cash in Walk the Line.

Courtesy : Internet

Never say Never, for, i'll keep inspiring you forever ...

" o " say " o ", for your destiny awaits you to deliver...

" o " say " o ", for your dreams are near, for you to reach over ;) - Mitran

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